Sydney Pools
Sydney is a sunny city and pools are popular here all year round. However, the summer temperatures often drop to uncomfortable levels before and after sunset, and pool heating is a good option for keeping your water at a comfortable temperature all the time. Solar heating is a popular choice, as it uses the sun’s energy to warm your swimming pool without harming the environment. It’s also a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for sydney pools.
The iconic North Sydney Olympic Pool is undergoing an extensive redevelopment, with work expected to take up to a year and cost $64 million. But this is far from a straightforward project, which has been marred by budget blowouts, design criticism, and heritage concerns. And this is only one of many public pools across the city that are facing closure.
Despite the challenges, the new pool will be a wow-factor, with an impressive wave pool designed to resemble a giant ocean. It’s part of a $1.8 billion aquatic centre which will also include an exhibition hall, a gym, and cafes. But critics say it won’t be able to pay for itself with visitors alone, and they’re concerned about the impact on the area’s local economy.
While the Jackson Center pool might not open this season, there are plenty of other cool and exciting sidney pools that are worth checking out. Here are a few of our favourites:
Sydney’s historic rock and ocean pools are a highlight of any visit to the city, with five in particular recognised on the NSW State Heritage Register. They’re all a swim away from the beach and offer spectacular views, but you might need to take a wetsuit to get in as the waters can be quite chilly.
For a more relaxing swim, head to Manly and Shelly beaches, where you’ll find the Cabbage Tree Bay Eco Sculpture Walk. Here, the tiny Maccallum Pool (originally a rock pool built by residents) overlooks the harbour bridge and Opera House. This 33-metre pool is a picturesque spot to do some laps, or sit back with a drink and soak up the views from the boardwalk.
If you’re thinking of building a swimming pool in your backyard, be sure to talk to a reputable pool builder before starting work. Make sure you know the local planning laws and check if there are any power lines running near where you plan to dig your pool, or if they’ll be affected by construction. You’ll also want to make sure your site has enough space for your pool and any other landscaping you have in mind. You don’t want to end up with a hefty bill because you didn’t follow the rules.